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Eligibility Criteria

You are eligible to apply if:

  • Armenian citizen or a resident of the Republic of Armenia, who attends a local school in Armenia.
  • Any refugee living in Armenia, who complies with the age requirement. For the selection purposes a “refugee” can mean any person, who has received a refugee status under the laws of the Republic of Armenia or international law, any person, who has applied to receive a refugee status in Armenia or under international law, any person, who has fled current armed conflicts and currently lives in Armenia (For avoidance of “conflicting” applications, if a “refugee” as defined in this document can technically apply through his/her “local” national committee (the national committee of the country of citizenship) but cannot do so because of an ongoing armed conflict and/or current residency in Armenia, the applicant shall notify the “local” national committee and inform it on the submission of the application through the Armenian national Committee);
  • 16 or 17 complete years old on the date when the classes at UWC colleges begin (e.g. September of the year the classes start);
  • Being a student of a secondary school or post-secondary educational institution, but not yet a university student, at the time of submitting the application.

Eligibility criteria for UWC IB Diploma programme 2026-2028 based on age:

*Date of birth which is highlighted in bold meets the selection criteria

2008 2009 2010
January January January
February February February
March March March
April April April
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June June June
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August August August


September September
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November November November
December December December



We are looking for those candidates who demonstrate:

Intellectual curiosity: 

You love learning about the world around you - both inside and outside the classroom. You have at least one academic area that you are passionate about, and would like to explore further. You are able to recognise global and local issues, and analyse them critically.

Active commitment to your own values and those of UWC: 

You share UWC’s values and show a commitment to follow UWC’s code of conduct. You have humility and the ability to listen to, and value, other people’s opinions. You appreciate that although others may have different points of view, they may also be right. You promote UWC’s values in your daily life, and act as a global citizen of the world.

Social competence:  

You interact respectfully with others, understanding and appreciating their viewpoints and perspectives, and you are able to work within a team to find solutions to problems. You know how to express yourself appropriately in different situations and to different people.

Resilience, self awareness and independence:  

You can look after yourself physically and emotionally during challenging situations, for example in a boarding school environment. You have developed good coping strategies, and you are not easily overwhelmed. You also know when to ask for help for yourself, and for others.

Personal responsibility and integrity: 

You can express and examine your own values, and you are ready to contrast and reflect on them in comparison to the values of others. The way you behave within your family and community reflects your values and beliefs. You can communicate your own needs and are mindful of those of others, demonstrating a sense of communal responsibility.

Academic robustness: 

You have the potential to meet the rigorous demands of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or the International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme.